In a democratic society, every voice matters. However, sometimes it happens that the voice of the youth is quieter and not well heard. Civic education is an essential tool on the path to constructive and effective youth participation, and often municipal level is where their first participation experience is gained. Initially, the young person learns what civic participation entails and understands its importance, further strengthening their civic literacy and adopting participation as a daily routine. Later, the young person can use the acquired knowledge and develop their skills further by participating in and implementing civic activities at the national, European, and global levels.
The project MUNICIPALITY16+ creates a significant foundation for developing youth civic participation skills, including by promoting awareness of the youth participation mechanisms in municipalities established by legislation (participatory budgeting, civic councils, collective submission) and encouraging their use.
The project is implemented by Transparency International Latvia (Delna) together with partners European Movement in Latvia, the Culture and Education Association – PiNA (Slovenia), and NVIAS (Czech Republic).
The project is implemented from September 1, 2023 to June 30, 2026. The aim of the project is to understand the mechanisms of youth civic participation in municipalities in Latvia, Slovenia, and the Czech Republic. The project develops a research-based tool – the civic participation TRAINER MUNICIPALITY 16+, which will help to build, develop, and strengthen youth civic participation skills and habits. Notably, the project is carried out through the cooperation of three countries, thereby promoting changes at the European level as well.
The primary target group of the project is:
- youth (aged 16–25 with various levels of knowledge and skills in civic participation),
- youth workers, youth affairs specialists (NGOs, youth centers, and municipalities),
- municipal employees responsible for public participation activities.
The secondary target group is decision-makers at the regional and national levels, who will be informed about the project's activities and the issues faced by youth in civic participation.
Youth civic participation in municipalities will be advanced by:
- strengthening youth knowledge and understanding of established participation mechanisms;
- fostering a positive attitude and habit of acting democratically and socially responsibly within a narrower or broader community;
- enhancing youth digital literacy, expanding their understanding of digital democracy and technologies.
Providing support to youth workers, youth affairs specialists, and youth policy makers in working with youth in the field of civic participation.
Recommendations for decision-makers and youth policy makers will be develoepd to strengthen opportunities for youth civic participation in creation of policy planning documents.
The project will involve no fewer than 15 municipalities in Latvia, Slovenia, and the Czech Republic.
The project logo was created after listening to the feelings, understanding, and attitudes of youth in Latvia, Slovenia, and the Czech Republic towards civic participation. The logo embodies the idea of a municipality where young people – superheroes – live. This is exactly how 16-year-olds who strive to participate, express their opinions, and influence societal processes describe themselves, strengthening democracy through their involvement.
The project's slogan is PARTICIPATION HEROES ARE OFF ON MISSION. For youth, their mission has become a daily routine, fighting for ideals, collaborating, and taking responsibility for their actions. Superheroes do not stay silent or watch from aside – they dare to speak about what is important to them, attract the attention of municipalities and the broader society, and actively advocate for addressing issues.