Transparency International Latvia (Delna) along with partners the European Movement Latvia (EML), the organization Nvias from Czech Republic, and PiNA from Slovenia, met in Riga (Latvia) in January 2024 to start work on the project MUNICIPALITY 16+.
The aim of the MUNICIPALITY 16+ project is to increase the level of civic participation among young people by identifying youth civic participation mechanisms in Latvia, Czech Republic, and Slovenia and developing a research-based tool – the Civic Participation Trainer MUNICIPALITY 16+, which enhances the civic competence of young people in municipalities.
Each project partner represents a different field of activity and expertise, which is a great benefit as it allows integrating existing knowledge and experience to create innovative solutions. Delna is Latvia's main anti-corruption organization, which also educates on civic participation and oversight. EML has long been active in the education sector, monitoring the content and implementation of civic and social competencies and developing strategic recommendations and solutions to promote civic competence. Nvias develops educational programs that provide young people with knowledge about the use of new technologies, enhance their entrepreneurial skills, and promote their personal development. PiNA is known as an organization that promotes public, including youth, involvement in public processes.
During the project meeting, both common and differing aspects of youth civic participation in each country were defined, explaining the causes and consequences of the low interest of young people in political and social processes. Partners shared best practices, and the coordinator of the European Youth Dialogue project at the Ministry of Education and Science, Renāte Mencendorfa, noted that one of the keys to success in explaining and allowing young people to experience civic participation is the combination of formal and non-formal educational methods at the school and municipal levels. Representatives of the participation platform introduced a participation application for young people called “Varu.Daru”, while representatives of the student council of Riga State Gymnasium No. 1 provided their perspective on civic participation and participatory budgeting.
The MUNICIPALITY 16+ project will develop the simulation game Civic Participation Trainer, which will be available in Summer 2025.